Choose Your Child Birth Method

Here at Women’s Health & Midwifery, we encourage you to choose the best way to deliver your baby, while in the safety of the hospital whether it’s through natural child birth methods or epidural anesthesia.With Josi Jensen, CNM, you are free to labor and birth in any position you desire. Conveniently, we have tubs and showers in every labor room, and we encourage their use as desired. We also recommend immediate infant bonding and breastfeeding, with all babies being delivered to you and not to the infant crib. We provide couplet care, and most babies never leave their mother’s side. We know how important it is to have your husband/partner and (if desired) children and family involved in the birthing process. We essentially support your choices during labor and birth. All births are at the Cedar City Hospital's Women and Newborn Unit with an option to deliver in the Hospital's New Low-Intervention Birth Suite.